My Second Pregnancy; A Flashback


Long Post Alert.

Happy New Year folks! I know I’m late, but hey, that’s how it is when you are a mom and there’s a hell lot of things to finish before you could open your laptop and write something!! Anyhow, New Year Wishes again and may this year be filled with lots of love, passion and compassion.

Okay, so I’m back to blogging after a long-ish kinda break. This is a very long overdue post and something that’s very close to my heart, which I had drafted long back!!! It’s about those wonderful 9 months of having babyB in my womb, my second pregnancy.

I was living in the Netherlands (Holland) when I conceived the second time and was there until my 7th month of pregnancy, after which I came back to my home with lilN. It was my decision to come back to my parents, even though V had asked me to stay back. Little did I know that we wouldn’t be able to go back to that beautiful place after the delivery. We later settled down in Kerala. That means we are currently settled here, in Kerala.

Just like the first, this pregnancy was also unexpected. But this time, it was easy for me to digest the ‘glad news’, for some unknown reason, until the moment I realised that there’s a trip planned to Finland within a month, with my sister and family. I was in a total dilemma!! I wasn’t sure if I should go or not!

In my first visit to the General Practitioner, I talked to him about this and he said there’s nothing to worry about and that I can very well go for the trip. I was still not convinced. Very soon I registered with the midwives there and again this was the first thing I asked them. My midwife told me that I should definitely go and enjoy with the family. And then our FINLAND – DENMARK trips happened. And I called them ‘Babymoon Vacations’.

Getting pregnant in a foreign country was an experience. I used to wait impatiently for the ultrasound scans, just to see my baby in the monitor. One of the best moments that I missed during my first pregnancy! Those seven months went just like that, so smooth.

From 16th week of pregnancy, I started taking pictures of my baby bump until the 38th week, after which I delivered babyB. This is again something I missed doing with my first!!

In between, we got to know the baby’s gender. I was actually waiting to know, just to make something for the baby, well in advance. Yes, just like the last time, this time also I had the urge to try something new, something creative. I was more focused on stitching and embroidery (both were totally new to me), crocheting etc. A separate blog post on the same is on the way.

So yes, we got to know that it’s again a “girl” in my womb. I was so happy to let my family and friends know this wonderful news then and there. (Only my friends and family. I made the others wait a bit more 😉)

Even though mine was a smooth pregnancy, I found it hard to cook food and feed myself, the kid and the husband properly. And I missed my Amma’s food terribly!! That was the major reason I came back to my mom.

I was in the last leg of month 7 when I travelled to India with lilN. My MIL was also with us as she has been on a short vacation to the Netherlands. I dreaded the long-air-travel with the toddler!! I wasn’t sure if I could manage everything, without the husband! The little one was unaware that her Pappa will not be accompanying us in the journey until we waved at each other! She was cranky in the beginning, but only for some time. She started enjoying everything later. The whole travel was in ease, including the transit.

I was so lucky to come back home, I thought. But things were not as easy as I expected it to be, especially with a toddler. She was very close to my family, at the same time she was clingy to me. She knew that a baby would pop out of her Amma’s womb any time soon. I guess that made her stuck to me more.

Since my first was a C Section (which was done on demand 🙈) and that I’m back to my hometown, my gynaecologist made it sure that this would be a C Section only. I was actually happy to hear that. So we decided a date and got prepared with the hospital bag and other stuff. And we waited patiently, letting the world know that lilN is soon gonna have a baby sister.

Lemme stop here now. Wait for more in the upcoming posts.


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